Control of up to 8 independent temperature zones. 8 air stage zones + 8 Underfloor heating/cooling zones.
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The PLENUM XTREME allow independent control of air elements and radiant elements from the same controller.
The ideal solution for control by:
- Flexible insulated ducts with motorized dumpers.
- PLENUM HYBRID XTREME is wired from the factory and has a hybrid control unit already mounted and configured
- Control of operating mode.
- Intelligent regulation of the set temperature.
- Motorized diffusion control (grids, registers, diffusers, fan coils).
- It includes serial WiFi module for the remote control of the installation.
- Two non-polarity wire KOOLNOVA BUS.
- Inverter infrared transmitter included to control in IR-technology-based direct expansion units.
- Controllable from any building management system (BMS).
- N.O. relay output with switching capacity of 8A/250Vac.
- 2 MODBUS RS485 protocol communication ports.
- Control of up to 4 indoor (concealed ducted units or split, cassettes, consoles) units via to each-technology-dedicated gateway (fancoils, VRF, DX).
- Alarm inputs and humidity sensor.
- System´s efficiency management with EFI algorithm.
- Isolated relay output for ON/OFF control.
- Isolated relay output for production control of the entire system.
- Isolated relay output to control 3-speed fancoil ventilator.
- 0-10 V output for fan coil speed.
- Isolated relay output for ON/OFF and N.O/C control of the boiler/outdoor unit.
- Isolated relay output for controlling 8 solenoid valves V1-V8 (8 zones).

- ModBus protocol.