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Cookie policy

On the AUCORE SL website we use cookies to facilitate the relationship of visitors with our content and to allow us to compile statistics on the visitors we receive.

In accordance with Directive 2009/136/EC, developed in our legal system by the second section of article 22 of the Law on Services of the Information Society, following the directives of the Spanish Agency for Protection of data, we proceed to inform you in detail of the use made on our site.

Cookies are called small files that are saved in the browser used by each visitor to our website so that the server can remember that user’s visit later when they access our content again. This information does not reveal your identity, nor any personal data, nor access the content stored on your PC, but it allows our system to identify you as a specific user who has already visited the web, viewed certain pages, etc. and also allows you to save your personal preferences and technical information such as visits made or specific pages you visit.

The purpose of cookies is to provide the User with faster access to the selected Services.

If you do not want cookies to be stored in your browser or prefer to receive information each time a cookie is installed, you can configure your browsing options accordingly. Most browsers allow you to manage cookies in 3 different ways:

– Cookies are always rejected.

– The browser asks if the user wants to install each cookie.

– Cookies are always accepted.

– Your browser may also include the ability to select in detail which cookies you wish to have installed on your computer. Concretely, the user can normally accept one of the following options:

– Refuse cookies from certain domains.

– Refuse third-party cookies.

– Accept cookies as non-persistent (they are deleted when you close the browser).

– Allow the server to create cookies for a different domain.

You can authorize, know, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer.

You can find configuration information for commonly used browsers in the following locations:

  • ninternet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Setting. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser help.
  • Firefox: Tools -> Option -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or browser help.
  • Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google Support or browser help.
  • Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult Apple support or browser help.

Regarding third-party cookies, that is, those that are foreign to our website, we cannot be held responsible for the content and veracity of the privacy policies they include, so that the information that we offer always refer to the source.

Below we inform you in detail about the cookies that can be installed from our website. Depending on your navigation, all or only some of them may be installed.


Cookie Cookie ID Description More information
_ga GA1.2.63130543.1513168036 Web Analytics Google Inc.
_gid GA1.2.72740988.1528193043 Web Analytics Google Inc.
etBloomCookie_optin_1 vrai    
Stockage local WordPress Improve web experience WordPress
PHPSESSID ucu66dbn5ar8m7s1vmkqmh8ov3    

This Cookies Policy may be modified according to legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the aim of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.

When there are significant changes to this Cookies Policy, users will be notified either via the web or by email to registered users.